Pause, breathe, and journal #16 // Wakako

Pause, breathe, and journal #16 // Wakako

I grew to become a huge believer in planting/growing native plants wherever we can on our property. I learned that it's one of the ways we can give back to the nature that surrounds us and show our gratitude. Since I am so involved with planting native plants and identifying them along the trail, I started the "native plant journal" where I draw and document native plants I see around the canyon. It has been such a great way to get to know them more intimately through the process of observing details and noticing what makes them so unique as well as documenting facts and information I might stumble upon while researching. I have been using a Blackwing pencil and Irojiten color pencils. Irojiten color pencils caught my eyes because the tagline on one of the boxes says "there are as many colors as nature". Isn't it just perfect? And sure enough. I can usually find the pencil color that matches what I am looking for when I am drawing. Maybe you can join me in doing a nature journal? I would love to see your ever-growing pages! xoxo  - Wakako

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