Keeping the Center of  Gravity Close to our Hearts // Wakako

Keeping the Center of Gravity Close to our Hearts // Wakako

Hello BK friends. Greetings from our family to you. We are settled into our current home at my parents' house in Orange County, including our chickens, who experienced their very second car travel in their lives!

Some of our transition highlights have been relocating here just in time to help deep clean my mom's house to create a sacred closure to 2020 and welcome the new year together. We all put our helpful hands to accomplish tasks rooted in Japanese traditions for the new year, such as making homemade Japanese food. It reminded me how much these traditions require a tribe to come together, and I felt immense gratitude for embracing this milestone with my family. It was lovely to watch the girls enjoy how beautiful our new year felt as Coco photographed all the food laid out on the new year breakfast table. 

A few things our family and I are doing to bring forth new energy. 

We brought tons of indoor plants from our Pasadena home and are constantly using a scent diffuser that seems to cleanse and uplift any space. 

We are consciously spending more time in nature, whether sitting under an umbrella of mature oak trees, at a beach building with sand and watching a sunset. Nature has been a reminder that everything is constantly changing, and we are a part of something bigger. Meditating, journaling, and exercising first thing in the morning before kids get up, and the outside world starts pouring into our life has been grounding as well. It sets a healthy boundary for my personal energy space because, during the time, I consciously turn inward to be more present with what is happening in the "now." 

I hope this mini-story will provoke some thoughts to keep the center of gravity close to your hearts as we continue through the journey of 2021. 

- Wakako

Bk Artifacts Featured in the video:

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