Happy 10-Years Baum-kuchen from Hamburg!
We are happy to be a part of your collection! How did this happen? It was back in 2018 when Wakako, Frido, and the girls came to Hamburg, Germany, to visit Frido’s hometown and family. We were following Baum-kuchen for a while online and suddenly these familiar faces appeared in real life in front of our workshop window. What a nice surprise! After showing them our workshop and old tools, we thought it would be nice to add a piece of Hamburg to the BK collection. Hamburg has a great heritage as the biggest sea harbor in Germany. The anchor is a very popular symbol so we made a brass anchor charm to fit the Traveler's Notebooks. The anchor represents hope, homeland, family, and security.
For punching and embossing the blanks, we used a 100-year-old press from a company that was famous for manufacturing nautical badges and enameled pins for shipping companies. We love to use old machines for new goods and are super happy that our charms may bring positive wanderlust and travel-back-home-vibes to all the BK customers around the globe.
Thank you Baum-kuchen! All the best for the next 10 years and more!
From Sylvia and Daniel // 877 Workshop
Where to find Sylvia and Daniel of 877 Workshop:
Instagram: @877workshop
Artifacts featured in the story:

1 comment
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where can I purchase these anchor charms?